We write in response to reading and learn to write descriptively. We are reading for comprehension, fluency, and expression. In Reading, we work on expanded vocabulary and drawing meaning from context. In English, we expand our knowledge of parts of speech, tenses, pronoun usage, and punctuation, so that our independent writing projects are grammatically correct. Multiplication and division are introduced with factors 1-5 and divisors 1-5. In Math, second graders review basic addition and subtraction and learn renaming and regrouping. In Bible, we continue our weekly memorization of scripture and discuss concepts such as obedience, humility, thankfulness, faith, forgiveness, and courage. We focus on life science, plants, animals, and our own bodies. In Science, we learn skills such as classifying, predicting outcomes, observing and drawing conclusions. We explore place value, graphing, measurement, telling time and counting money. In Math, we memorize the basic addition and subtraction facts. We will learn to write paragraphs and stories. We are learning to compose our own sentences, use correct punctuation and correctly use the parts of a speech (verb, noun, and adjective). In literature, we study character development, motives, settings, and plot. We are expanding our vocabularies and learning to get meaning from the text as we work with synonyms, antonyms, prefixes, contractions, etc. We read a variety of genres and focus on comprehension. We are still working on listening skills and following directions as we become better readers. As First Graders we work to become responsible citizens accountable to authority. In Bible, we work on applying Biblical principles to life. In Elementary Grades (1st thru 5th) the ratio is 1:15 We solve word problems by using manipulatives.

We begin whole number operations, discussing sums and differences. In Math, we identify and write numbers from 1 to 100. We work on oral communication and oral reading, and we begin to focus on comprehension. In phonics, we work with word families and some high frequency words (sight words).

We strengthen our letter-sound associations and work on consonant blends. There is an emphasis on sequencing and listening for rhyming words. Socially we develop and maintain friendships, and play cooperatively with other children. We learn this year to independently follow rules and routines. We participate in structured and unstructured activities both indoors and outdoors that increase strength, endurance, and flexibility. We are learning to discriminate between a variety of sights, sounds, smells, textures, and tastes. We participate in songs, rhymes and musical games as well as fine and gross motor development activities to strengthen our social and emotional health.Īt five we are still strengthening our fine motor co-ordination by performing tasks that require small muscle strength. We discuss environmental awareness, sharpen our observational skill, and we recognize and appreciate our community helpers. We learn to recognize numbers from 0 – 20, recognize shapes, work with patterns, and begin simple addition and subtraction equations. PreK Fours are beginning pre-writing skills and learning to write the upper and lower case letters as well as the numbers from 0-12. By the end of the year, many of the Pre-K students are reading. We enjoy traditional literature, fanciful prose, and poetry, nursery rhymes as we develop our vocabularies and enrich our comprehension. We are strengthening our pre-reading skills with recognition of short vowel sounds and beginning and ending consonant sounds. We continue to learn Bible verses every week. We sing, draw, move and play to learn appropriate social interactions and creative expression.Īt Bible time we learn about Bible heroes whose stories show us the power and love of God and we begin to apply those principles to our own lives.

We use cooking and other activities to learn to listen and follow directions. With hands-on learning we make discoveries about nature and science, sensory and language experiences. We are learning listening skills and to strengthen our visual memory. In our Phonics class, we are learning pre-reading skills such as print awareness, letter recognition, number recognition, color recognition, language expression, auditory discrimination and we enjoy dramatization. Three-year-olds are just beginning their academic journey. We are beginning to know and love God’s Word and we memorize Bible verses every week. In Bible, we are learning how wonderful and uniquely made we are, created by God in His own image, and how much God loves us.